Jains Everywhere Must Stand With Palestinians
Actively Opposing the Zionist Project and Upholding Ahimsa and Anekantavada
As followers of Jainism, our commitment to the principles of ahimsa (non-violence) and anekantavada (many-sidedness) compels us to take a decisive stand against injustice and oppression. The ongoing Zionist project in Palestine, marked by colonization, apartheid, and systemic violence against the indigenous Palestinian people, presents a profound moral crisis that demands our active opposition and unwavering solidarity with the Palestinian struggle for self-determination, justice, and equality.
Understanding the Zionist Project: A Historical and Moral Context
The Zionist movement, founded in the late 19th century with the aim of establishing a Jewish homeland in Palestine, has been a settler-colonial project from its inception. This has involved the systematic displacement and dispossession of the indigenous Palestinian people from their ancestral lands. The expulsion of over 750,000 Palestinians during the 1948 Nakba (catastrophe) and the ongoing expansion of illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank are stark examples of this process.
Moreover, Israel's policies and practices toward the Palestinian people, both within its internationally recognized borders and in the occupied territories, amount to a system of apartheid. Palestinians face widespread discrimination, unequal rights, restrictions on movement, and segregation based on their ethnic and religious identity. This apartheid system privileges Jewish Israelis while subjugating and oppressing Palestinians.
The Zionist project violates numerous principles of international law, including the prohibition on the acquisition of territory by force, the right of refugees to return to their homes, and the ban on apartheid and colonialism. Despite countless UN resolutions and the global consensus on the illegality of Israeli settlements, Israel continues to act with impunity.
Embracing Ahimsa: Rejecting Violence and Supporting Non-Violent Resistance
As practitioners of ahimsa, we must unequivocally reject all forms of violence, whether perpetrated by state or non-state actors. The Zionist project's reliance on military force, collective punishment, and the brutalization of Palestinian civilians is antithetical to the principle of non-violence. We must demand an end to Israel's occupation, its assaults on Gaza, and its violent repression of Palestinian resistance.
In line with ahimsa, we must actively support Palestinian civil society's call for non-violent resistance to the Zionist project. This includes backing the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement, which seeks to pressure Israel through economic and cultural means to comply with international law and respect Palestinian rights. BDS is a peaceful, global, and Palestinian-led movement that deserves our solidarity.
Applying Anekantavada: Recognizing Multiple Narratives and Rejecting Absolutism
Anekantavada teaches us to acknowledge the complexity of reality and to consider multiple perspectives. While the Zionist narrative portrays Israel as a haven for Jews fleeing persecution, we must also recognize the Palestinian narrative of dispossession, exile, and resistance. A truthful understanding of the conflict requires grappling with both the historical trauma of antisemitism and the ongoing Nakba endured by the Palestinians.
Anekantavada opposes absolutist and exclusivist claims. The Zionist assertion that Palestine is the exclusive homeland of the Jewish people, to the detriment of the indigenous Palestinians who have lived there for generations, is a dangerous form of absolutism. We must insist on a vision of the land that includes and respects both peoples, rather than privileging one at the expense of the other.
Inclusive Solidarity: Centering Palestinian Voices and Building Coalitions
Our solidarity with the Palestinian struggle must center the voices and experiences of Palestinians themselves. This means amplifying Palestinian narratives, supporting Palestinian-led initiatives, and deferring to Palestinians on the best ways to resist oppression and achieve liberation.
The fight against Zionism is interconnected with other struggles against racism, colonialism, and apartheid worldwide. We must build coalitions with all those who seek justice and equality, recognizing that our liberation is bound up with the liberation of others. This includes standing with Jewish allies who reject Zionism and are working to build a just peace.
Reflecting on Our Moral Responsibilities
As Jains, we have a moral obligation to oppose the Zionist project and stand in active solidarity with the Palestinian people. Guided by the principles of ahimsa and anekantavada, we must work toward a future in which all people in historic Palestine can live with dignity, equality, and self-determination. This is not only a political imperative but a spiritual one, rooted in our deepest values and commitments.
We must ask ourselves: When future generations look back, will we be able to say that we did everything in our power to oppose the injustice of the Zionist project? Will we be able to hold our heads high, knowing that we stood on the right side of history and upheld the core tenets of our faith? The choice is ours, and the time to act is now. Let us rise to the challenge and fulfill our moral responsibilities with courage and conviction.
The time to act is now, and our principles demand nothing less.
Ahimsa, Anekanta and Jainism by Tara Sethia & Satyaranjan Banerjee
Solution of various problems through applications of Anekāntavāda - Jainavenue
Economic costs of the Israeli occupation for the Palestinian people - UNCTAD report
Report on UNCTAD assistance to the Palestinian people - Developments in the economy of the Occupied Palestinian Territory
How Israel Dominates the Palestinian Economy - Jacobin
Part I (1917-1947) - Question of Palestine - the United Nations
Timeline: Key Events in the Israel-Arab and Israeli-Palestinian Conflict - AJC
Nonviolence - Wikipedia
Living conditions of the Palestinian People in the Occupied Territories - Question of Palestine
The economic costs of the Israeli occupation for the Palestinian people: Arrested development and poverty in the West Bank - UNCTAD